Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Allow Experimentation Within Your Social Media Campaign

One of the things you should do in your Social Media Campaign, is to allow experimentation within it.  This I think is crucial to allow yourself more freedom of choice and in giving you more knowledge to what actually works for you.  Let's face it, what works for one person, may not work for you.  In fact, you might find that your particular audience, is seeking some other form of media than another.

One example of this would be if your audience tends to be busy, then audio might work better for them than actual article content to read.  Things that they could read on the way to work, on the way to the gym, etc.


It's common knowledge that Social Media is clearly turning into a visual network.  If you're a blogger/writer, attaching your link to an image, is definitely going to get more attention, as apposed to just posting the link.

Video Content can work for visuals, but thanks in large part to Social Media, the average attention span of a person today is about 20 seconds.  If you don't have their attention within the first 20 seconds, you're not doing your job.

Written Content

Visual Content is  not the only thing that works today.  In my experiences on my own profiles, written content gets a lot more meaningful comments than sharing a photo does.  Photos get more likes and short comments.  While written content generally generates longer discussion type comments.

Written content comes in many forms too.  You can experiment with as many forms to find out what your followers respond better to.  Questions are a great starting point.  Ask questions to your followers about what kinds of content they'd like to see more of.  Ask them what their favorite things are.  Try to relate to them with questions.

A short story is sometimes a great way to get comments generated on your profile.  Again, this depends on your followers.  Experiment with it and you'll know what your followers like.


By allowing yourself to experiment with both types of content, you can find out what your followers want more of.  Both written and visual content are great in their own right.  However, the audience is important to keep in mind when you allow experimentation within your social media campaign.

Question - What are some other ways you can experiment within a Social Media Campaign?